Recruitment ongoing for new therapy to address painful male problem

Recruitment ongoing for new therapy to address painful male problem A new clinical trial is currently recruiting men struggling with a painful, but not uncommon, condition: chronic scrotal pain. The Phase II study is testing an important new therapeutic approach to treat this condition at our centre in Vancouver and in other locations across Canada […]

Ballsy participants sought for Vancouver testicle study

Ballsy participants sought for Vancouver testicle study Males who suffer debilitating scrotal pain can now sign up for a new study using an old but reformulated numbing medication with lidocaine. Nearly five per cent of males can suffer so much that mere walking can be painful if they have chronic pain in their testicles and […]

Ballsy enough to get treatment for scrotal pain?

UBC researchers seek trial participants for new pain-relieving medication A mention of scrotal pain may give some grownups the giggles, but for the men who experience it, it’s no laughing matter. Dr. Ryan Flannigan, assistant professor and director of the male infertility and sexual medicine research program in the UBC department of urologic sciences and […]

UBC wants you-Georgia Straight Vancouver’s News & Entertainment Weekly

Guys, got painful balls? UBC wants you. While Pete Schweddy’s balls may have given Saturday Night Live viewers the giggles, there’s a different kind of testicular issue that may have men crossing their legs just reading about it. Chronic scrotal pain—also known as chronic testicular pain or chronic orchialgia—is intermittent or constant pain experienced in […]

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